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to lay bare a plot

  • 1 lay bare a plot

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > lay bare a plot

  • 2 bare

    bare [beə(r)] (compar barer, superl barest)
    (a) (naked → body, feet) nu;
    they were bare to the waist ils étaient nus jusqu'à la taille;
    in one's bare feet pieds nus;
    he killed a tiger with his bare hands il a tué un tigre à mains nues;
    Boxing to fight with bare hands boxer à main nue
    (b) (unadorned, uncovered) nu; Electricity (wire) dénudé;
    we had to sleep on bare floorboards nous avons dû coucher à même le plancher;
    his head was bare il était nu-tête;
    bare wood bois m naturel;
    the tree was bare of leaves l'arbre était dépouillé ou dénudé;
    the lawn was just a bare patch of grass la pelouse consistait en un maigre carré d'herbe;
    a wall of bare rock une paroi de roche nue;
    to lay bare one's heart mettre son cœur à nu;
    to lay bare a plot révéler ou dévoiler un complot
    (c) (empty) vide;
    the cupboard was bare le garde-manger était vide;
    the room was bare of furniture/pictures la pièce ne comportait aucun meuble/tableau
    (d) (basic, plain) simple, dépouillé;
    I just told him the barest details je lui ai donné le minimum de détails;
    the bare facts les faits mpl bruts;
    figurative the bare bones of the story le squelette de l'histoire
    (e) (absolute) absolu, strict;
    the house was stripped to the bare essentials la maison ne contenait que le strict nécessaire;
    the bare necessities of life le minimum vital;
    the bare minimum le strict minimum;
    I took the barest minimum of cash j'ai pris le minimum d'argent
    a bare 20 percent of the population is literate à peine 20 pour cent de la population est alphabétisée;
    he earned a bare £200 il a gagné tout juste 200 livres;
    they won by a bare majority ils ont gagné de justesse;
    he got a bare pass il a eu son examen en ayant juste la moyenne;
    a bare pass isn't good enough in my father's eyes pour mon père réussir un examen de justesse n'est pas suffisant;
    they manage to scrape a bare living from the land ils arrivent tout juste à vivoter en travaillant la terre
    (a) (part of body) découvrir; (teeth) montrer;
    to bare one's head se découvrir la tête;
    to bare one's soul mettre son âme à nu
    (b) (unsheath → dagger, sword) dégainer, tirer du fourreau; Electricity (→ wire) dénuder

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > bare

  • 3 plot

    1. [plɒt] n
    1. заговор; интрига

    plot to overthrow the government - заговор с целью свержения правительства

    to lay /to hatch/ a plot - замышлять заговор

    to defeat /to frustrate/ a plot - сорвать заговор; разрушить планы

    to discover /to reveal, to disclose, to expose, to lay bare/ a plot - раскрыть заговор

    2. фабула, сюжет

    threadbare plot - примитивный сюжет, простенькая фабула

    an intricately woven plot - хитро /ловко/ закрученная интрига

    unravelling of the plot - развёртывание сюжета /сюжетной линии/

    3. 1) амер. план; схема; чертёж; диаграмма; график
    2) топ. кроки
    3) ав., мор. курс или положение ( корабля или самолета) на карте
    4. воен.
    1) трасса
    2) засечка цели

    the plot thickens - а) дело запутывается всё больше и больше; б) это уже становится интересным

    2. [plɒt] v
    1. организовывать, составлять заговор; плести интриги, интриговать; замышлять, задумывать

    to plot treason [a coup d'état, revenge] - замышлять измену [государственный переворот, месть]

    what mischief are you plotting between you? - какие вы тут задумали проказы?

    2. 1) составлять план, делать схему
    2) вычерчивать, строить кривую, график или диаграмму
    3) откладывать величину на оси

    to plot the absissa [the ordinate] of a point - откладывать величину по оси абсцисс [ординат]

    4) считать, рассчитывать по графику
    5) наносить ( данные) на график или карту
    6) ав., мор. прокладывать курс
    7) воен. определять местоположение
    3. (обыкн. plot out)
    1) намечать сюжет
    2) планировать; устраивать

    to plot out a meeting - назначить /наметить/ собрание

    1. [plɒt] n
    участок земли, делянка

    plot of vegetables, vegetable plot - участок под овощами

    2. [plɒt] v
    делить на участки (обыкн. plot out)

    the farm was plotted out into house lots - землю фермы разделили /разбили/ на участки под строительство домов

    НБАРС > plot

  • 4 plot

    1. сущ.
    1) а) надел, делянка;
    кусок или участок земли (обычно занятый чем-л. или отведенный под какую-л. цель) building plotстроительная площадка garden/vegetable plot ≈ садовый участок/ участок под овощи, огород grass plot ≈ лужайка Syn: patch
    1., spot
    1., lot
    1. б) небольшой кусок земли, место на кладбище
    2) а) план, схема( этажа, здания и т. п.) ;
    карта( какой-л. местности, города и т. п.) набросок;
    график, диаграмма Syn: map
    1., chart
    1., plat I
    1. б) граф, график, диаграмма в) театр. план расположения осветительных приборов, декораций и бутафории для каждой отдельной пьесы г) брит.;
    авиац. сл. группа самолетов противника на экране радара;
    засеченная цель
    3) интрига, заговор;
    козни to devise, hatch, lay a plot ≈ вынашивать, замышлять, подготавливать заговор to foil, thwart a plot ≈ расстроить заговор;
    помешать выполнению заговора to expose a plot ≈ раскрывать заговор to expose a plot to overthrow the governmentраскрыть антиправительственный заговор;
    раскрыть заговор, ставящий своей целью свержение правительства to weave a plot ≈ плести интригу, интриговать cunning, diabolic, sinister;
    assassination plot ≈ коварный, дьявольский заговор;
    заговор с целью убийства Syn: intrigue
    1., purpose
    1., device, design
    4) сюжет, фабула;
    структура литературного произведения to build, construct the plot (of a novel) ≈ строить сюжет (романа) to weave a plot ≈ закручивать, усложнять, запутывать сюжет contrived, intricate plot ≈ запутанный, сложный сюжет;
    сюжет со множеством хитросплетений сюжетных линий simple plot ≈ простой, незамысловатый сюжет a plot unravels, thickens, quickens ≈ сюжет развивается, усложняется, развитие его ускоряется Syn: story I, subject
    2. гл.
    1) а) составлять план, карту ( местности, здания, объекта и т. п.) ;
    наносить на карту( определенные данные, курс корабля и т. д.) During the sea battle, the positions of the ships were plotted on a big wall map. ≈ По ходу битвы позиции кораблей отмечались флажками на большой карте на стене. б) изображать схему, диаграмму;
    чертить, вычерчивать( график, кривую) наносить( данные) на график/карту;
    чертить, вычерчивать график или диаграмму to plot (one quantity) against/versus (another) ≈ тж. перен. представлять функцию графически, по координатам (тж. с down) в) авиац.;
    мор. прорабатывать, прокладывать курс( корабля, самолета и т. п., обыкн. с out)
    2) а) тж. перен. проектировать (город, крепость, дом, сад и т. п.) ;
    разрабатывать план, планировать (тж. с) out) to be plotted out in advanceпланироваться заранее б) разбивать, разделять землю на участки (тж. с) out) the area plotted out for raising buildings ≈ разделенная на участки под застройку территория в) строить сюжетную основу (литературного произведения) ;
    продумывать сценарий( обык. с) out) г) театр. ставить пьесу;
    устанавливать освещение, декорации и т. п.
    4) плести интриги, строить козни( против кого-л. against) ;
    организовывать, составлять заговор;
    замышлять (недоброе, переворот, измену и т. п.) imprisoned for plotting against the government ≈ лишенный свободы за антиправительственный заговор to plot a mischievous plan ≈ готовить злые планы Syn: intrigue
    2. заговор;
    интрига - assassination * заговор с целью убийства - * to overthrow the government заговор с целью свержения правительства - to lay /to hatch/ a * замышлять заговор - to defeat /to frustrate/ a * сорвать заговор;
    разрушить планы - to discover /to reveal, to disclose, to expose, to lay bare/ a * раскрыть заговор - to weave a * плести интригу фабула, сюжет - subordinate * побочная сюжетная линия - threadbare * примитивный сюжет, простенькая фабула - an intricately woven * хитро /ловко/ закрученная интрига - unravelling of the * развертывание сюжета /сюжетной линии/ (американизм) план;
    график (топография) кроки (авиация) (морское) курс или положение( корабля или самолета) на карте (военное) трасса( военное) засечка цели > the * thickens дело запутывается все больше и больше;
    это уже становится интересным организовывать, составлять заговор;
    плести интриги, интриговать;
    замышлять, задумывать - to * treason замышлять измену - to * an enemy's ruin готовить гибель врагу - what mischief are you *ing between you? какие вы тут задумали проказы? составлять план, делать схему вычерчивать, строить кривую, график или диаграмму откладывать величину на оси - to * the absissa of a point откладывать величину по оси абсцисс считать, рассчитывать по графику наносить (данные) на график или карту (авиация) (морское) прокладывать курс (военное) определять местоположение( обыкн. * out) намечать сюжет - the tragedy is nicely *ed out сюжет трагедии хорошо задуман (обыкн. * out) планировать;
    устраивать - to * out a meeting назначить /наметить/ собрание участок земли, делянка - grass * лужайка - building * строительный участок - potato * участок под картофелем - * of vegetables, vegetable * участок под овощами - garden * садовый участок делить на участки( обыкн. * out) - the farm was *ted out into house lots землю фермы разделили /разбили/ на участки под строительство домов building ~ строительная площадка building ~ участок для застройки plot вычерчивать график ~ вычерчивать диаграмму ~ вычерчивать кривую ~ вчт. график ~ делать схему ~ делянка ~ вчт. диаграмма ~ диаграмма ~ заговор;
    интрига ~ заговор ~ наносить (на план) ;
    чертить, вычерчивать кривую или диаграмму;
    plot out делить на участки, распределять ~ наносить данные на график ~ план ~ амер. план, чертеж;
    график, диаграмма ~ составлять заговор;
    интриговать, плести интриги ~ составлять план ~ схема ~ участок земли;
    делянка ~ участок земли ~ фабула, сюжет ~ чертеж ~ of land делянка ~ of land земельный участок ~ of the function график функции ~ наносить (на план) ;
    чертить, вычерчивать кривую или диаграмму;
    plot out делить на участки, распределять shmoo ~ вчт. трехмерный имитационный график

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > plot

  • 5 lay

    I [leɪ] II [leɪ]
    1) [ worker] non esperto, non specializzato
    2) relig. [preacher, member] laico
    III [leɪ]
    nome pop. spreg. chiavata f., scopata f.
    IV 1. [leɪ]
    verbo transitivo (pass., p.pass. laid)
    1) (place) posare, porre, mettere [object, card]; (spread out) stendere [rug, blanket, covering]; (arrange) collocare, disporre; deporre [ wreath]

    to lay hands on sth. — fig. (find) mettere mano a qcs.

    to lay hands on sb. — relig. imporre le mani su qcn

    2) (set for meal) apparecchiare, mettere [ table]
    3) (prepare) preparare [fire, plan]; gettare [basis, foundation]; tendere [ trap]
    4) (fix in place) posare [carpet, tiles, cable, mine]; costruire [railway, road]
    5) zool. deporre [ egg]
    6) fig. sporgere [charge, complaint]; muovere [ accusation]; gettare [curse, spell]

    to lay stress o emphasis on sth. — porre l'accento su qcs

    7) (bet) puntare [ money] (on su)
    8) pop. (have sex with) scopare
    verbo intransitivo (pass., p.pass. laid) [ bird] deporre le uova

    to lay a finger o hand on sb. — (beat) alzare un dito contro qcn., mettere le mani addosso a qcn

    * * *
    I 1. [lei] past tense, past participle - laid; verb
    1) (to place, set or put (down), often carefully: She laid the clothes in a drawer / on a chair; He laid down his pencil; She laid her report before the committee.)
    2) (to place in a lying position: She laid the baby on his back.)
    3) (to put in order or arrange: She went to lay the table for dinner; to lay one's plans / a trap.)
    4) (to flatten: The animal laid back its ears; The wind laid the corn flat.)
    5) (to cause to disappear or become quiet: to lay a ghost / doubts.)
    6) ((of a bird) to produce (eggs): The hen laid four eggs; My hens are laying well.)
    7) (to bet: I'll lay five pounds that you don't succeed.)
    2. verb
    (to put, cut or arrange in layers: She had her hair layered by the hairdresser.) scalare; fare a strati
    - lay-by
    - layout
    - laid up
    - lay aside
    - lay bare
    - lay by
    - lay down
    - lay one's hands on
    - lay hands on
    - lay in
    - lay low
    - lay off
    - lay on
    - lay out
    - lay up
    - lay waste
    II see lie II III [lei] adjective
    1) (not a member of the clergy: lay preachers.)
    2) (not an expert or a professional (in a particular subject): Doctors tend to use words that lay people don't understand.)
    IV [lei] noun
    (an epic poem.)
    * * *
    I [leɪ] adj
    Rel laico (-a), secolare, (brother, sister) laico (-a), (fig: non-specialist) profano (-a)
    II [leɪ] pt
    lie II
    III [leɪ] laid pt, pp
    1. vt
    1) (put, set) mettere, posare, (carpet) stendere, (bricks) posare, (cable, pipe) installare, fare la posa di, (trail) lasciare, (subj: bird: egg) deporre, fare

    to lay the facts/one's proposals before sb — presentare i fatti/delle proposte a qn

    to be laid to rest(euph: buried) essere sepolto (-a)

    to get laid fam!scopare fam!

    to lay o.s. open to attack/criticism — esporsi agli attacchi/alle critiche

    to lay claim to sth — reclamare qc, accampare diritti mpl su qc

    to lay odds or a bet on sth — scommettere su qc

    2) (prepare: fire) preparare, (trap, snare) tendere, (mine) posare, piantare, (table) apparecchiare
    3) (settle: ghost) placare, esorcizzare, (doubts, fears) eliminare, dissipare
    2. vi
    (bird) fare le uova, deporre le uova
    * * *
    lay (1) /leɪ/
    1 [u] disposizione; posizione; configurazione: the lay of the land, la configurazione del terreno; (fig.) la situazione attuale
    2 ( nella pesca, spec. alla balena) interessenza; partecipazione agli utili
    4 (fam.) ramo d'affari; lavoro; attività
    5 (fam.) prezzo
    6 (volg.) scopata, chiavata (volg.)
    7 (volg.) partner sessuale; (spec., anche easy lay) donna che ci sta, che la dà facilmente (volg.).
    lay (2) /leɪ/
    (letter.) lai; canzone; lamento.
    lay (3) /leɪ/
    a. attr.
    1 laico; secolare: (relig.) a lay brother, un «fratello» laico; un converso ( di monastero)
    2 incompetente; profano
    ● (leg., in Inghil.) lay judge, giudice onorario ( non di carriera); giudice di pace □ lay reader, (relig.) predicatore laico; (fig.) profano □ (relig.) lay sister, sorella laica; conversa □ lay status, laicato; condizione secolare.
    lay (4) /leɪ/
    pass. di to lie (2).
    ♦ (to) lay /leɪ/
    (pass. e p. p. laid)
    A v. t.
    1 posare; porre; mettere; mettere a posto; collocare; distendere; stendere; spalmare: He laid the keys on the desk, ha posato le chiavi sulla scrivania; to lay bricks, posare i mattoni l'uno sull'altro; to lay the foundation of st., porre (o gettare) le fondamenta di qc.; to lay a railway track, posare un binario; to lay the cloth, stendere (o mettere) la tovaglia; to lay a bomb, mettere una bomba; to lay paint [plaster], stendere la vernice [l'intonaco]
    2 deporre, fare ( uova); fare le uova: Hens lay eggs, le galline fanno le uova; Reptiles lay eggs, i rettili depongono le uova
    3 calmare; acquietare; smorzare; fugare; placare: The rain has laid the dust, la pioggia ha smorzato la polvere; to lay sb. 's doubts, fugare ogni dubbio dalla mente di q.
    4 preparare; progettare; elaborare; fare: to lay a fire, preparare (o disporre la legna, il carbone per) il fuoco; to lay one's plans carefully, preparare accuratamente i propri piani
    5 mettere innanzi a; esporre; presentare; muovere ( accuse): The lawyer laid his case before the court, l'avvocato ha presentato (o ha esposto) il caso al tribunale
    6 imporre; dare ( ordini, ecc.): to lay heavy taxes on st., imporre balzelli gravosi su qc.; to lay strict injunctions on sb., dare severi ordini a q.
    7 coprire; ricoprire; rivestire: to lay a floor with wall-to-wall carpeting, coprire un pavimento con la moquette
    8 scommettere; fare ( una scommessa); puntare: We laid a wager on who would come in first, facemmo una scommessa su chi sarebbe arrivato primo; I'll lay ten pounds that she'll be late, scommetto dieci sterline che arriverà in ritardo
    9 appianare; spianare; lisciare
    10 attribuire; ascrivere; imputare: The murder was laid to a neighbour, un vicino di casa è stato ritenuto responsabile dell'assassinio
    11 (mil.) puntare (per es., i cannoni); posare ( mine); (aeron.) sganciare ( bombe)
    13 (volg.) portarsi a letto (q.); scopare (volg.): to get laid: scopare; fare sesso
    B v. i.
    1 fare le uova: My hens are laying well now, ora le mie galline fanno molte uova
    2 (naut.) dirigersi; mettersi ( in una posizione); fare prua (su)
    ● (fig.) to lay st. at sb. 's door, dare la colpa di qc. a q. □ (fig.) aprire: to lay bare one's heart, mettere a nudo il proprio cuore □ to lay the blame for st. on sb., attribuire la colpa di qc. a q. □ (fig.) to lay sb. by the heels, imprigionare q.; incarcerare q. to lay claim to, avanzare una pretesa su; pretendere a: The prince laid claim to the English throne, il principe pretendeva al trono d'Inghilterra □ (leg.) to lay a claim to a right, rivendicare un diritto □ to lay a course, (naut.) seguire una rotta; (fig.) seguire una linea di condotta □ (leg., ass.) to lay damages at a certain sum, fissare una certa somma come risarcimento dei danni □ to lay eyes on, gettare l'occhio (o lo sguardo) su □ (agric.) to lay fallow, lasciare ( un terreno) a maggese □ to lay a finger on, toccare ( con intenzioni ostili): Don't you dare lay a finger on him!, non azzardarti a toccarlo neanche con un dito! □ to lay sb. flat, abbattere (o buttare a terra) q.; stendere q. (fam.) □ to lay great [little] store upon st., dare grande [scarsa] importanza a qc. to lay hands on oneself, uccidersi; suicidarsi □ to lay hands on sb., mettere le mani addosso a q.; (relig.) imporre le mani su q. ( per consacrarlo, ordinarlo sacerdote) □ to lay hands on st., metter le mani su qc.; impadronirsi di qc. □ (fig.) to lay heads together, mettersi insieme a discutere (o a far progetti) □ to lay a hedge, mettere a dimora una siepe □ to lay hold of (o on), afferrare (o prendere); (fig.) approfittare di, trarre vantaggio da □ to lay one's hopes on sb., riporre le proprie speranze in q. to lay sb. low, abbattere (o atterrare) q.; (fig.: di malattia) buttare giù q. to lay oneself open to attack, prestare il fianco agli attacchi □ to lay open, scoprire, esporre; svelare; tagliare, spaccare: to lay open a wound, scoprire una ferita; to lay open a plot, svelare una congiura; to lay one's cheek [arm, leg] open, prodursi uno squarcio in una guancia [un braccio, una gamba] □ (stor.) to lay siege to a castle, mettere l'assedio a un castello □ to lay a trap, [an ambush], tendere una trappola, [un'imboscata] □ ( slang autom., USA) to lay some rubber, sgommare; partire sgommando □ to lay stress (o emphasis) on st., dare un gran peso a qc. to lay the table, apparecchiare (la tavola): DIALOGO → - Dinner 2- Can you lay the table?, puoi apparecchiare? □ to lay st. to sb. 's charge, dare la colpa di qc. a q. to lay st. to heart, prendersi a cuore qc. □ (fig. eufem.) to lay sb. to rest (o to sleep), seppellire q. to lay waste, devastare, mettere a ferro e fuoco ( un paese, ecc.).
    NOTA D'USO: - to lay / to lie-
    * * *
    I [leɪ] II [leɪ]
    1) [ worker] non esperto, non specializzato
    2) relig. [preacher, member] laico
    III [leɪ]
    nome pop. spreg. chiavata f., scopata f.
    IV 1. [leɪ]
    verbo transitivo (pass., p.pass. laid)
    1) (place) posare, porre, mettere [object, card]; (spread out) stendere [rug, blanket, covering]; (arrange) collocare, disporre; deporre [ wreath]

    to lay hands on sth. — fig. (find) mettere mano a qcs.

    to lay hands on sb. — relig. imporre le mani su qcn

    2) (set for meal) apparecchiare, mettere [ table]
    3) (prepare) preparare [fire, plan]; gettare [basis, foundation]; tendere [ trap]
    4) (fix in place) posare [carpet, tiles, cable, mine]; costruire [railway, road]
    5) zool. deporre [ egg]
    6) fig. sporgere [charge, complaint]; muovere [ accusation]; gettare [curse, spell]

    to lay stress o emphasis on sth. — porre l'accento su qcs

    7) (bet) puntare [ money] (on su)
    8) pop. (have sex with) scopare
    verbo intransitivo (pass., p.pass. laid) [ bird] deporre le uova

    to lay a finger o hand on sb. — (beat) alzare un dito contro qcn., mettere le mani addosso a qcn

    English-Italian dictionary > lay

  • 6 lay

    /lei/ * danh từ - bài thơ ngắn, bài vè ngắn - (thơ ca) bài hát, bài ca, bài thơ - (thơ ca) tiếng chim, hót - vị trí, phương hướng - đường nét (của bờ sông bờ biển) - (từ lóng) công việc =that doesn't belong to my lay+ cái đó không phải việc của tôi * ngoại động từ laid - xếp, để, đặt; sắp đặt, bố trí =to lay one's hand on someone's shouldder+ để tay lên vai ai =to lay a child to sleep+ đặt đứa bé nằm ngủ =to lay the foundation of socialism+ đặt nền móng cho chủ nghĩa xã hội =to lay a plant+ bố trí một kế hoạch =to lay a plot+ sắp đặt một âm mưu - bày, bày biện =to lay the table for dinner+ bày bàn ăn - làm xẹp xuống, làm lắng xuống, làm mất, làm hết =the rains has laid the dust+ mưa làm lắng bụi xuống =to lay someone's doubts+ làm ai hết nghi ngờ - làm rạp xuống (cây cối), phá hỏng =the storm laid the corps+ bão là rạp cả hoa màu, bão phá hỏng hoa màu - đặt vào, dẫn đến, đưa đến (một hoàn cảnh, một tình trạng) =his bad behaviour lays me under the necessity of punishing him+ cách xử sự xấu của hắn buộc tôi phải phạt hắn - trình bày, đưa ra =to lay the facts before the Commitee+ trình bày sự việc trước uỷ ban - quy (tội), đỗ (lỗi) =to lay all the blame on someone+ quy tất cả lỗi (trách nhiệm) vào ai - bắt phải chịu, đánh (thuế) =to lay heavy taxes on something+ đánh thuế nặng vào cái gì - trải lên, phủ lên =to lay a floor with a carpet+ trải thảm lên sàn - đánh, giáng (đòn) =to lay hard blows+ giáng những đòn nặng nề - đánh cược =to lay that...+ đánh cược răng... - hướng (đại bác) về phía - đẻ (chim) =hens lay eggs+ gà mái đẻ trứng - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) ăn nằm với, giao hợp với * nội động từ - nằm - đánh cược - đẻ trứng (gà) !to lay aside - gác sang một bên, không nghĩ tới =to lay aside one's sorrow+ gác nỗi buồn riêng sang một bên - dành dụm, để dành =to lay aside money for one's old age+ dành dụm tiền cho đến lúc tuổi già - bỏ, bỏ đi =to lay aside one's old habits+ bỏ những thói quen cũ đi !to lay away !to lay aside to lay before - trình bày, bày tỏ !to lay by !to lay aside to lay down - đặt nằm xuống, để xuống - cất (rượu) vào kho - hạ bỏ =to lay down one's arms+ hạ vũ khí, đầu hàng - chuyển (một miếng đất) thành đồng cỏ (để chăn nuôi) =to lay down land in (to, under, with) grass+ chuyển một miếng đất thành cánh đồng cỏ - hy sinh =to lay down one's life for the fatherland+ hy sinh tính mệnh cho tổ quốc - đánh cược, cược =to lay down on the result of the race+ đánh cược về kết quả cuộc chạy đua - sắp đặt, dự kiến, bắt đầu xây dựng =to lay down a railway+ bắt đầu xây dựng một đường xe lửa - đề ra, tuyên bố; xác nhận, thừa =I lay it down that this is a very intricate question+ tôi xác nhận đó là một vấn đề rất phức tạp !to lay for - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) nằm đợi !to lay in - dự trữ, để dành - (thông tục) đánh, quai, đấm tới tấp !to lay off - (hàng hải) lái ra xa bờ, tránh !ngừng (làm việc) - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) thải, đuổi, giãn (thợ) !to lay on - đánh, giáng đòn =to lay on hard blows+ giáng cho những đòn nặng nề - rải lên, phủ lên, quét lên =to lay on plaster+ phủ một lượt vữa, phủ vữa lên - đặt ống (dẫn hơi, dẫn nước...); đặt đường dây (điện) !to lay out - sắp đặt, bố trí (theo sơ đồ) - trình bày, phơi bày, đưa ra - trải ra - liệm (người chết) - tiêu (tiền) - (từ lóng) giết - dốc sức làm =to lay oneself out+ nổ lực, dốc hết sức làm (cái gì) !to lay over - trải lên, phủ lên !to lay up - trữ, để dành !to lay about one - đánh tứ phía !to lay bare - (xem) bare !to lay one's bones - gửi xương, gửi xác ở đâu !to lay somebody by the heels - (xem) heel !to lay captive - bắt giữ, cầm tù !to lay one's card on the table - (xem) card !to lay fast - nắm chặt, giữ chặt, không cho chạy thoát !to laythe fire - xếp củi để đốt !to lay great store upon (on) someone - đánh giá cao ai !to lay hands on - (xem) hand !to lay heads together - (xem) head !to lay hold of (on) - nắm chặt, giữ chặt, tóm, bắt - lợi dụng !to lay it on thick - (xem) thick !to lay an information agaisnt somebody - đệ đơn kiện ai !to lay one's hope on - đặt hy vọng vào !to lay open - tách vỏ ra !to lay siege to - bao vây !to lay under contribution - (xem) contribution !to lay stress on - nhấn mạnh !to lay something to heart - (xem) heart !to lay to rest (to sleep) - chôn !to lay under an obligation - làm cho (ai) phải chịu ơn !to lay under necessity - bắt buộc (ai) phải !to lay waste - tàu phá * tính từ - không theo giáo hội, phi giáo hội, thế tục - không chuyên môn =lay opinion+ ý kiến của người không chuyên môn * thời quá khứ của lie

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > lay

  • 7 Lay

    v. trans.
    P. and V. τιθέναι.
    Make to recline: Ar. and P. κατακλνειν, V. κλνειν.
    Lay a wager: Ar. περιδδοσθαι (absol.).
    Lay ( eggs): use Ar. and P. τίκτειν.
    Lay ( a foundation): P. and V. ποβάλλειν, καταβάλλεσθαι, P. ὑποτιθέναι.
    Be laid ( of foundations): P. ὑποκεῖσθαι.
    When the foundation of a race is not fairly laid: V. ὅταν δὲ κρηπὶς μὴ καταβληθῇ γένους ὀρθῶς (Eur., H.F. 1261).
    The foundations are laid: P. οἱ θεμέλιοι... ὑπόκεινται (Thuc. 1, 93).
    Lay an ambush: P. and V. λοχᾶν, P. ἐνεδρεύειν; see Ambush.
    Lay a ( plot): P. κατασκευάζειν, συσκευάζειν, P. and V. πλέκειν, V. ἐμπλέκειν, ῥάπτειν; see Contrive.
    Lay aside: P. and V. ποβάλλειν, φιέναι, μεθιέναι, Ar. and P. ποτθεσθαι.
    Lay aside ( clothes): see put off.
    Put by for reserve: P. χωρὶς τίθεσθαι, Ar. and P. ποτθεσθαι.
    Lay bare: P. and V. γυμνοῦν.
    met.; see Disclose.
    Lay before: P. and V. προτιθέναι (τί τινι).
    Lay ( a question) before the people to vote on: P. ἐπιψηφίζειν, τι (εἰς acc).
    Lay by: Ar. and P. κατατθεσθαι,
    Lay down: P. and V. κατατιθέναι (Eur., Cycl.).
    Renounce: P. and V. μεθιέναι, ἐξίστασθαι (gen.); see Renounce.
    Lay down a law: of a legislator, P. and V. νόμον τιθέναι; of a people, P. and V. νόμον τθεσθαι.
    Be laid down: P. and V. κεῖσθαι.
    Lay down the law: met.; see Domineer (Domineer over).
    Determine: P. and V. ὁρίζειν.
    Lay down ( a principle): P. τιθέναι (or mid.), ὑπολαμβάνειν, ὑποτίθεσθαι, ὁρίζεσθαι.
    Be laid down: P. ὑπάρχειν, ὑποκεῖσθαι, κεῖσθαι.
    This being laid down: V. πόντος τοῦδε (Eur., El. 1036).
    Lay down as a foundation: P. and V. καταβάλλεσθαι.
    Lay hands on: Ar. χεῖρας ἐπιβάλλειν (dat.), P. and V. ἅπτεσθαι (gen.), ἐφάπτεσθαι (gen.), λαμβνεσθαι (gen.), ἀντιλαμβνεσθαι (gen.); see under Hand.
    Lay hold of: see lay hands on.
    Lay in, store up: Ar. and P. κατατθεσθαι.
    Lay low: P. and V. καθαιρεῖν, V. κλνειν, καταστρωννύναι; see Destroy.
    Lay on: P. and V. ἐπιτιθέναι (τί τινι).
    Impose: P. and V. ἐπιβάλλειν (τί τινι), προστιθέναι (τί τινι), προσβάλλειν (τί τινι).
    Be laid on, imposed: P. and V. προσκεῖσθαι, P. ἐπικεῖσθαι.
    Enjoin: P. and V. προστάσσειν (τί τινι), ἐπιτάσσειν (τί τινι), ἐπιστέλλειν (τί τινι), ἐπισκήπτειν (τί τινι).
    Lay ( blame) on: P. and V. (αἰτίαν), ναφέρειν (dat., or εἰς, acc.), προστιθέναι (dat.), Ar. and P. ἐπαναφέρειν (εἰς, acc.), νατιθέναι (dat.); see Attribute.
    Lay open: see Disclose.
    Lay oneself open to: see Incur.
    Lay out, arrange: Ar. and P. διατιθέναι.
    Expend: P. and V. ναλίσκειν, ναλοῦν.
    Prepare: P. and V. παρασκευάζειν.
    Prepare for burial: P. and V. περιστέλλειν, προτθεσθαι, V. συγκαθαρμόζειν.
    Straighten the limbs: V. ἐκτείνειν.
    By no wife's hand were they laid out in their winding sheets: V. οὐ δάμαρτος ἐν χεροῖν πέπλοις συνεστάλησαν (Eur., Tro. 377).
    Be laid out for burial: P. and V. προκεῖσθαι.
    Lay oneself out to: P. and V. σπουδάζειν (infin.).
    Lay siege to: see Besiege.
    Lay to: see Impute.
    Lay to heart: P. and V. ἐνθυμεῖσθαι, V. θυμῷ βάλλειν; see Heed.
    V. intrans. Come to anchor: P. and V. ὁρμίζεσθαι.
    Lay to rest: P. and V. κοιμίζειν, V. κοιμᾶν.
    Lay under contribution: P. ἀργυρολογεῖν (acc.).
    Lay up: Ar. and P. κατατθεσθαι.
    Be laid up: P. ἀποκεῖσθαι (met.).
    Be ill: P. and V. κάμνειν, νοσεῖν.
    Lay waste, v. trans.: see Devastate.
    Poem: P. ποίημα, τό, ποίησις, ἡ.
    Song: P. and V. ᾠδή, ἡ, μέλος, τό, μελῳδία, ἡ, Ar. and V. ἀοιδή, ἡ; see Song.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Lay

  • 8 lay

    1. II
    lay in some manner lay well (again, etc.) хорошо и т. д. нестись
    2. III
    lay smth.
    1) lay a submarine cable (gas pipes, rails, etc.) прокладывать подводный кабель и т. д.; lay a floor настилать пол; lay a pavement мостить дорогу; lay linoleum (a carpet, a rug, etc.) класть линолеум и т. д., покрывать линолеумом и т. д.; lay asphalt покрывать асфальтом, асфальтировать; lay bricks класть./укладывать/ кирпичи; lay a bridge наводить мост; lay the table накрывать на стол; lay the cloth а) стелить скатерть; б) накрывать на стол; lay the plates (the spoons, the knives, etc.) сервировать стол (расставлять тарелки, раскладывать ложки и т. п.); lay the fire приготовить дрова, растопку и т. п., чтобы развести огонь (в калыме, печке)
    2) lay a snare (a trap, a net, etc.) ставить /расставлять/ силки и т. д.; lay an ambush устроить засаду; lay plans составить /разработать/ план
    3) lay eggs нестись, класть /откладывать/ яйца
    4) || lay a wager bet/ держать пари, биться об заклад
    5) lay the crops прибивать посевы;lay the rainstorm laid the oats ливень прибил /примял/ овес; sprinkle water to lay the dust побрызгай водой, чтобы прибить пыль /чтобы не поднять пыли/
    6) lay apprehensions (smb.'s foreboding. smb.'s fears, etc.) рассеивать чьи-л. опасения и т. д., успокаивать кого-л. и т. д.; what can we do to lay his doubts? как нам рассеять его сомнения?; lay a ghost spirit, a bogey/ изгонять духов
    3. IV
    1) lay smth. somewhere don't lay the book there не клади там книгу; he laid the scene of his last play abroad действие его последней пьесы происходит за границей
    2) lay smth. in some manner lay bricks quickly (the table artistically, etc.) быстро класть кирпича и т. д.
    3) lay smth. in some manner they laid their plans carefully, but failed all the same они тщательно разработали /продумали/ план, но тем не менее у них ничего не вышло
    4. VI
    1) lay smb., smth. in some state lay smb., smth. low flat/ повалить /свалять, опрокинуть/ кого-л., что-л.; he laid the tree low он повалил дерево; the blow laid him low удар свалил его /сбил его с ног/
    2) lay smth. in some state lay a region (a place, a country, a land, a district, etc.) waste опустошать район и т.д., lay land (a field) fallow оставлять землю (поле) под паром; lay a tract of land dry осушать участок земли
    3) lay smth., smb. in some state lay a way (an underground passage, etc.) open открывать путь и т. д.; оставлять путь и т. д. незащищенным; lay one's cheek (one's head, etc.) open рассечь щеку и т. д.; lay a plot open раскрыть заговор; lay one's heart (one's chest, one's secret, one's secret feelings, etc.) bare раскрывать /открывать/ [свою] душу и т. д.; lay one's plans bare раскрывать свои планы; lay oneself open to suspicion (to accusations, to criticism, to calumny, etc.) навлекать на себя подозрение и т. д., lay oneself open to attack подставлять себя под удар
    5. VII
    lay smb. to do smth. lay smb. to sleep /to rest/ a) уложить кого-л. спать; б) похоронить кого-л.
    6. XI
    1) be laid in some manner they are laid end to end их укладывают /кладут/ концами /конец к концу/
    2) be laid in some place a fire was laid in the grate дрова были положены в камин; the scene [of the story (of a play, of a tale, etc.)] is laid in London (in a small town in Germany, etc.) действие [в рассказе и т. д.] происходит /события [ рассказа и т. д.] разворачиваются/ в Лондоне и т. д. || be laid at smb.'s door свалить вину на кого-л.; the failure will be laid at your door ты окажешься виноватым в провале, вину за провал свалят /возложат/ на тебя /припишут тебе/
    3) be laid by smth. the oats were laid by the rainstorm (by the wind. etc.) овес побило ливнем и т. д., овес полег после ливня и т. д., be laid low by sickness coll. заболеть и быть вынужденным лежать (в постели), свалиться (от болезни), I've been laid low by influenza coll. грипп свалил меня; when he was laid low by typhoid fever... coll. когда он лежал в тифе...
    4) be laid before smb.'s smth. all facts were laid before the committee комиссии были представлены все факты
    5) be laid in some state the city was laid flat (in ruins) город был полностью разрушен (лежал в руинах); the country was laid waste страна была разорена
    7. XVI
    1) lay at some time lay in summer (in the morning, etc.) нестись /класть яйца/ летом и т. д.
    2) lay into smb. coll. he laid into us он набросился на нас (с кулаками), он начал дубасить /колотить/ нас
    3) || lay to one's oars налечь на весла
    8. XXI1
    1) lay smth. (up)on smth. lay smth. on a shelf (on the table, up(on) the bench, on the ground, etc.) класть /ставить/ что-л. на полку и т. д., lay one's hand on smb.'s shoulder (one's head on a pillow, etc.) класть /опускать/ руку на чье л. плечо и т. д.: no sooner did she lay her head on the pillow... не успела ее голова коснуться подушки...; lay colours on canvas накладывать /наносить/ краски на холст; lay one's cards on the table выложить карты на стол, говорить начистоту; lay smth. on smth.! smb. lay one's hopes on smth., smb. возлагать надежды на что-л., кого-л.; lay eyes on smth., smb. увидеть что-л., кого-л.; lay smb. on smth. lay smb. on his bed (the man on the ground, the poor girl on the bench, the wounded man on a stretcher, etc.) положить кого-л. на кровать и т. д., I laid myself upon the bed я улегся на кровать /разлегся на кровати/; lay smth. in smth. lay the body in the grave (the box in the hole, etc.) опустить тело в могилу и т.д., lay smth. along smth. she laid the flowerpots along the verandas (h) он it расставила горшки с цветами вдоль веранды; lay smth. at smth. lay the loot at her feet сложить добычу к ее ногам || lay [one's] hands on smth. coll. a) завладевать чем-л., присваивать что-л.; he will keep everything he can lay [his] hands on он не выпустит (из своих рук) то, что захватил; he is ready to lay hands on anything he sees он готов заграбастать все, что ни видит; б) найти; I can't lay my hands on it just now в данный момент я не могу этого найти; lay one's finger on smth. точно определить что-л. /указать на что-л./; lay попасть в точку; you always manage to lay your finger on the weak spot in my logic вам всегда удается обнаружить /раскрыть/ слабые стороны в моей аргументации / в моей логике/; lay hold on /of/ smth. захватить что-л., завладеть чем-л.; lay hold on /of/ the treasure (of the island, of their castle, etc.) захватить сокровище и т.д., завладеть сокровищем и т. д.; he laid hold of this idea он ухватился за эту мысль
    2) lay smth. on smb. lay blows (a stick, a whip, etc.) on smb. избивать кого-л., наносить удары кому-л.; lay one on smb. coll. дать кому-л. тумака /раза/; lay it on smb. coll. задать кому л. трепку, избить кого-л.; lay hands on smb. поднять руку на кого-л.; if you dare to lay a finger on her если ты только посмеешь пальцем ее тронуть /дотронуться до нее/; lay [violent] hands on oneself наложить на себя руки, покончить с собой
    3) lay smth. across smth. lay a plank across the ditch перекидывать доску через канаву; they decided to lay a bridge across this river они решили навести мост через эту реку; lay smth. with smth. lay a floor with a carpet застилать / покрывать/ пол ковром; lay the table for smth., smb. lay the table for breakfast (for dinner, for guests, for three, etc.) накрывать стол к завтраку и т. д.; lay smth. for /of/ smth. lay the foundation for /of/ smth. a) закладывать фундамент / основы/ чего-л.; this laid the foundation for his future success это положило начало его будущему успеху /послужило началом его будущего успеха/; б) приступать к чему-л.
    4) lay smth. before smth., smb. lay the information before the board (the facts before a committee, one's arguments before the lawyer, the plan before one's officer, one's ideas before one's friends, the scheme before them, etc.) представлять сведения комиссии и т.д.; lay the matter squarely before smb. честно /прямо/ изложить кому-л. дело /существо дела/; the lawyer laid his case before the court адвокат представил /изложил/ дело суду || lay [an] information against smb. доносить на кого-л.; he laid an information against them with the police он донес на них полиции
    5) lay smth. on smth. lay a tax (a duty) on wine (on cigarettes, on imported goods, etc.) облагать вино и т. д. налогом /пошлиной/; lay heavy taxes on tea and coffee обложить чай и кофе большим /высоким/ налогом; lay duty on tobacco обложить табак пошлиной; lay smth. on smb. lay this burden on him (an obligation on us all, a penalty on the man, etc.) накладывать это бремя на него и т. д.; lay a punishment on smb. наказать кого-л., наложить на кого-л. взыскание; lay smth., smb. under (on) smth. lay a conquered country (a town, the people, etc.) under contribution наложить контрибуцию на покоренную страну и т.д., lay smb. under [an] obligation наложить на кого-л. определенные обязательства; I laid myself under obligation to him я ему обязан, я у него в долгу; your conduct lays me under the necessity of punishing you твое поведение вынуждает меня прибегнуть к наказанию, ты плохо себя ведешь, и я вынужден наказать тебя; lay strict injunctions on smb. отдать кому-л. строгий приказ
    6) lay smth. against smb. lay a charge /an accusation/ against smb. выдвигать обвинение против кого-л.; lay an action against smb. предъявлять иск кому-л., возбуждать судебное дело против кого-л.; lay smth. on smb. lay the blame [for smth.] on smb. винить кого-л. [в чем-л.lay; they tried to lay the blame on me они пытались свалить вину на меня; lay smth. to smth. lay one's failure to smb.'s charge (one's misfortunes to smb.'s charge, the crime to smb.'s account, the blame to the account of smb., etc.) обвинять /винить/ кого-л. в своем провале и т. д. || lay the fault at smb.'s door обвинять кого-л., приписывать вину кому-л.; lay the blame at the right door обвинять того, кого следует, справедливо обвинять кого-л.
    7) lay smth. on smth. lay stress on this definition (stress on the event, weight on a word, emphasis on it, etc.) подчеркивать это определение и m. д.; he lays special emphasis on this fact он придает этому факту особое значение; he laid stress on the necessity for /of/ immediate action он подчеркнул необходимость действовать немедленно
    8) lay smth. on smb. lay bets on the runners делать ставки на бегунов; lay money on a horse ставить [деньги] на лошадь
    9) lay smth. in smth. lay a building in ashes сжигать здание до тла; lay a town in ruin (s) разрушать город до основания
    9. XXVI
    lay a bet that... I lay 10s. to one that he will not come ставлю десять шиллингов против одного, что он не придет; I am ready to lay a bet that you never saw a quicker horse (that they will win, that they will come, etc.) готов держать пари, что вы никогда не видели белее резвой лошади и т. д., I'll lay you a bet [that] he will never overtake us держу пари /давайте поспорим, готов биться об заклад/, что он ни за что не обгонит нас

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > lay

  • 9 laid

    /lei/ * danh từ - bài thơ ngắn, bài vè ngắn - (thơ ca) bài hát, bài ca, bài thơ - (thơ ca) tiếng chim, hót - vị trí, phương hướng - đường nét (của bờ sông bờ biển) - (từ lóng) công việc =that doesn't belong to my lay+ cái đó không phải việc của tôi * ngoại động từ laid - xếp, để, đặt; sắp đặt, bố trí =to lay one's hand on someone's shouldder+ để tay lên vai ai =to lay a child to sleep+ đặt đứa bé nằm ngủ =to lay the foundation of socialism+ đặt nền móng cho chủ nghĩa xã hội =to lay a plant+ bố trí một kế hoạch =to lay a plot+ sắp đặt một âm mưu - bày, bày biện =to lay the table for dinner+ bày bàn ăn - làm xẹp xuống, làm lắng xuống, làm mất, làm hết =the rains has laid the dust+ mưa làm lắng bụi xuống =to lay someone's doubts+ làm ai hết nghi ngờ - làm rạp xuống (cây cối), phá hỏng =the storm laid the corps+ bão là rạp cả hoa màu, bão phá hỏng hoa màu - đặt vào, dẫn đến, đưa đến (một hoàn cảnh, một tình trạng) =his bad behaviour lays me under the necessity of punishing him+ cách xử sự xấu của hắn buộc tôi phải phạt hắn - trình bày, đưa ra =to lay the facts before the Commitee+ trình bày sự việc trước uỷ ban - quy (tội), đỗ (lỗi) =to lay all the blame on someone+ quy tất cả lỗi (trách nhiệm) vào ai - bắt phải chịu, đánh (thuế) =to lay heavy taxes on something+ đánh thuế nặng vào cái gì - trải lên, phủ lên =to lay a floor with a carpet+ trải thảm lên sàn - đánh, giáng (đòn) =to lay hard blows+ giáng những đòn nặng nề - đánh cược =to lay that...+ đánh cược răng... - hướng (đại bác) về phía - đẻ (chim) =hens lay eggs+ gà mái đẻ trứng - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) ăn nằm với, giao hợp với * nội động từ - nằm - đánh cược - đẻ trứng (gà) !to lay aside - gác sang một bên, không nghĩ tới =to lay aside one's sorrow+ gác nỗi buồn riêng sang một bên - dành dụm, để dành =to lay aside money for one's old age+ dành dụm tiền cho đến lúc tuổi già - bỏ, bỏ đi =to lay aside one's old habits+ bỏ những thói quen cũ đi !to lay away !to lay aside to lay before - trình bày, bày tỏ !to lay by !to lay aside to lay down - đặt nằm xuống, để xuống - cất (rượu) vào kho - hạ bỏ =to lay down one's arms+ hạ vũ khí, đầu hàng - chuyển (một miếng đất) thành đồng cỏ (để chăn nuôi) =to lay down land in (to, under, with) grass+ chuyển một miếng đất thành cánh đồng cỏ - hy sinh =to lay down one's life for the fatherland+ hy sinh tính mệnh cho tổ quốc - đánh cược, cược =to lay down on the result of the race+ đánh cược về kết quả cuộc chạy đua - sắp đặt, dự kiến, bắt đầu xây dựng =to lay down a railway+ bắt đầu xây dựng một đường xe lửa - đề ra, tuyên bố; xác nhận, thừa =I lay it down that this is a very intricate question+ tôi xác nhận đó là một vấn đề rất phức tạp !to lay for - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) nằm đợi !to lay in - dự trữ, để dành - (thông tục) đánh, quai, đấm tới tấp !to lay off - (hàng hải) lái ra xa bờ, tránh !ngừng (làm việc) - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) thải, đuổi, giãn (thợ) !to lay on - đánh, giáng đòn =to lay on hard blows+ giáng cho những đòn nặng nề - rải lên, phủ lên, quét lên =to lay on plaster+ phủ một lượt vữa, phủ vữa lên - đặt ống (dẫn hơi, dẫn nước...); đặt đường dây (điện) !to lay out - sắp đặt, bố trí (theo sơ đồ) - trình bày, phơi bày, đưa ra - trải ra - liệm (người chết) - tiêu (tiền) - (từ lóng) giết - dốc sức làm =to lay oneself out+ nổ lực, dốc hết sức làm (cái gì) !to lay over - trải lên, phủ lên !to lay up - trữ, để dành !to lay about one - đánh tứ phía !to lay bare - (xem) bare !to lay one's bones - gửi xương, gửi xác ở đâu !to lay somebody by the heels - (xem) heel !to lay captive - bắt giữ, cầm tù !to lay one's card on the table - (xem) card !to lay fast - nắm chặt, giữ chặt, không cho chạy thoát !to laythe fire - xếp củi để đốt !to lay great store upon (on) someone - đánh giá cao ai !to lay hands on - (xem) hand !to lay heads together - (xem) head !to lay hold of (on) - nắm chặt, giữ chặt, tóm, bắt - lợi dụng !to lay it on thick - (xem) thick !to lay an information agaisnt somebody - đệ đơn kiện ai !to lay one's hope on - đặt hy vọng vào !to lay open - tách vỏ ra !to lay siege to - bao vây !to lay under contribution - (xem) contribution !to lay stress on - nhấn mạnh !to lay something to heart - (xem) heart !to lay to rest (to sleep) - chôn !to lay under an obligation - làm cho (ai) phải chịu ơn !to lay under necessity - bắt buộc (ai) phải !to lay waste - tàu phá * tính từ - không theo giáo hội, phi giáo hội, thế tục - không chuyên môn =lay opinion+ ý kiến của người không chuyên môn * thời quá khứ của lie

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > laid

  • 10 uncover

    (to remove the cover from: His criminal activities were finally uncovered.) descubrir
    uncover vb descubrir
    1 destapar
    2 (secret) revelar, descubrir
    uncover [.ʌn'kʌvər] vt
    1) : destapar (un objeto), dejar al descubierto
    2) expose, reveal: descubrir, revelar, exponer
    abrir v.
    desabrigar v.
    desarrebujar v.
    desarropar v.
    descobijar v.
    descubrir v.
    desencapotar v.
    desnudar v.
    destapar v.
    'ʌn'kʌvər, ʌn'kʌvə(r)
    a) ( remove covering of) destapar
    b) (reveal, lay bare) \<\<treasure\>\> dejar al descubierto
    c) ( expose) \<\<scandal/plot\>\> revelar, sacar* a la luz
    1) (=find out) descubrir
    2) (=remove coverings of) destapar; (=disclose) descubrir, dejar al descubierto
    * * *
    ['ʌn'kʌvər, ʌn'kʌvə(r)]
    a) ( remove covering of) destapar
    b) (reveal, lay bare) \<\<treasure\>\> dejar al descubierto
    c) ( expose) \<\<scandal/plot\>\> revelar, sacar* a la luz

    English-spanish dictionary > uncover

  • 11 expose

    1) (to uncover; to leave unprotected from (eg weather, danger, observation etc): Paintings should not be exposed to direct sunlight; Don't expose children to danger.) exponer
    2) (to discover and make known (eg criminals or their activities): It was a newspaper that exposed his spying activities.) revelar, descubrir
    3) (by releasing the camera shutter, to allow light to fall on (a photographic film).) exponer
    expose vb exponer
    if you expose your skin to the sun, it turns brown si expones la piel al sol, se pone morena
    1 (uncover, make visible) exponer
    2 (make known - secret etc) revelar, descubrir, desvelar, destapar; (- person) desenmascarar
    4 (introduce, acquaint with) exponer (to, a), verse expuesto,-a
    he has never been exposed to these problems so he doesn't know what to do como nunca se ha visto expuesto a estos problemas, no sabe qué hacer
    5 (photo) exponer
    to expose oneself exhibirse desnudo,-a
    expose [ɪk'spo:z, ɛk-] vt, - posed ; - posing
    1) : exponer (al peligro, a los elementos, a una enfermedad)
    2) : exponer (una película a la luz)
    3) disclose: descubrir, revelar, poner en evidencia
    4) unmask: desenmascarar
    exposé or expose [.ɛkspo'zeɪ] n
    : exposición f (de hechos), relevación f (de un escándalo)
    desenmascarar v.
    desenvainar v.
    exponer v.
    manifestar v.
    revelar v.
    a) ( lay bare) \<\<nerve/wire/wound\>\> exponer*
    b) ( subject)

    to expose something/somebody TO something — exponer* algo/a alguien a algo

    to expose oneself to criticism — exponerse* a las críticas

    2) ( uncover) \<\<secret/scandal\>\> poner* al descubierto, sacar* a la luz; \<\<inefficiency/weaknesses\>\> poner* en evidencia; \<\<criminal\>\> desenmascarar
    3) ( Phot) exponer*

    v refl

    to expose oneself — hacer* exhibicionismo

    VT (=uncover) dejar al descubierto; (=leave unprotected) exponer; (=display) exponer, presentar; (Phot) exponer; (fig) (=reveal) [+ plot, crime] poner al descubierto; [+ criminal, imposter] desenmascarar; [+ weakness, one's ignorance] revelar, poner en evidencia

    to expose sb/o.s. to ridicule — poner a algn/ponerse en ridículo

    to expose o.s. to — [+ risk, danger] exponerse a

    to expose o.s. — (sexually) hacer exhibicionismo

    * * *
    a) ( lay bare) \<\<nerve/wire/wound\>\> exponer*
    b) ( subject)

    to expose something/somebody TO something — exponer* algo/a alguien a algo

    to expose oneself to criticism — exponerse* a las críticas

    2) ( uncover) \<\<secret/scandal\>\> poner* al descubierto, sacar* a la luz; \<\<inefficiency/weaknesses\>\> poner* en evidencia; \<\<criminal\>\> desenmascarar
    3) ( Phot) exponer*

    v refl

    to expose oneself — hacer* exhibicionismo

    English-spanish dictionary > expose

  • 12 uncover

    1. v снимать; раскрывать
    2. v обнажать голову
    3. v обнаруживать, раскрывать
    4. v воен. оставлять без прикрытия
    5. v воен. размыкаться
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. reveal (verb) bare; betray; blab; blab out; denude; disclose; discover; display; disrobe; divest; divulge; expose; give away; inform; lay bare; lay open; let on; let out; mouth; open; reveal; show; spill; strip; subject; tell; unbosom; uncloak; unclose; unclothe; uncurtain; undo; undress; unmask; unsheathe; unveil; unwrap
    2. unearth (verb) dig up; turn up; unearth
    Антонимический ряд:
    conceal; wrap

    English-Russian base dictionary > uncover

  • 13 expose

    1. transitive verb
    1) (uncover) freilegen; entblößen [Haut, Körper, Knie]
    2) (make known) offenbaren [Schwäche, Tatsache, Geheimnis, Plan]; aufdecken [Irrtum, Missstände, Verbrechen, Verrat]; entlarven [Täter, Verräter, Spion]
    3) (subject)
    4) (Photog.) belichten
    2. reflexive verb
    sich [unsittlich] entblößen
    * * *
    1) (to uncover; to leave unprotected from (eg weather, danger, observation etc): Paintings should not be exposed to direct sunlight; Don't expose children to danger.) aussetzen
    2) (to discover and make known (eg criminals or their activities): It was a newspaper that exposed his spying activities.) aufdecken
    3) (by releasing the camera shutter, to allow light to fall on (a photographic film).) belichten
    - academic.ru/25848/exposure">exposure
    * * *
    [ɪkˈspəʊz, ekˈ-, AM -ˈspoʊz]
    to \expose sth bone, foundations etw frei legen; nerves etw bloßlegen
    2. (leave vulnerable to)
    to \expose sb/sth to sth jdn/etw etw dat aussetzen
    to \expose sth to cold/heat etw der Kälte/Hitze aussetzen
    to \expose sb to danger jdn einer Gefahr aussetzen
    to \expose sb to ridicule ( fig) jdn dem Spott [o der Lächerlichkeit] preisgeben
    3. (reveal)
    to \expose sth etw offenbaren; scandal, treachery, plot etw aufdecken [o enthüllen]
    to \expose sb jdn entlarven
    4. (put in contact)
    to \expose sb to sth jdn mit etw dat vertraut machen
    to be \exposed to sth etw dat ausgesetzt sein, mit etw dat in Berührung kommen
    5. (show genitals)
    to \expose oneself [to sb] sich akk [vor jdm] entblößen
    6. PHOT
    to \expose sth etw belichten
    to over-/under\expose sth etw über-/unterbelichten
    to \expose sb/an animal jdn/ein Tier aussetzen
    * * *
    1) (= uncover) rocks, remains freilegen; electric wire freilegen; (fig) nerve bloß legenor freilegen
    2) (to danger, rain, sunlight, radiation) aussetzen (
    to dat)
    3) (= display) one's ignorance offenbaren; one's wounds (vor)zeigen

    darling, you're exposing yourself — du zeigst etwas (zu) viel, Liebling

    4) (= reveal) abuse, treachery aufdecken; scandal, plot enthüllen, aufdecken; person, imposter, murderer, thief entlarven

    to expose sb/sth to the press — jdn/etw der Presse ausliefern

    5) (PHOT) belichten
    * * *
    expose [ıkˈspəʊz] v/t
    1. ein Kind aussetzen
    2. fig aussetzen (to einer Gefahr, dem Wetter etc), preisgeben (to der Lächerlichkeit etc):
    expose o.s. sich exponieren, sich eine Blöße geben ( 3 a);
    expose o.s. to ridicule sich lächerlich machen, sich dem Gespött (der Leute) aussetzen
    3. fig
    a)(o.s. sich) bloßstellen ( 2)
    b) jemanden entlarven, einen Spion auch enttarnen
    c) etwas aufdecken, entlarven, enthüllen:
    expose sb’s limitations jemandes oder jemandem seine Grenzen aufzeigen
    4. a) entblößen ( auch MIL), enthüllen, zeigen:
    b) MED bloß-, freilegen
    5. Waren ausstellen ( for sale zum Verkauf):
    expose for inspection zur Ansicht auslegen
    6. a) PHYS, TECH aussetzen (to einer Einwirkung)
    b) FOTO belichten
    7. fig darlegen, erklären, auseinandersetzen ( alle:
    sth to sb jemandem etwas)
    * * *
    1. transitive verb
    1) (uncover) freilegen; entblößen [Haut, Körper, Knie]
    2) (make known) offenbaren [Schwäche, Tatsache, Geheimnis, Plan]; aufdecken [Irrtum, Missstände, Verbrechen, Verrat]; entlarven [Täter, Verräter, Spion]
    4) (Photog.) belichten
    2. reflexive verb
    sich [unsittlich] entblößen
    * * *
    auseinander setzen ausdr.
    auseinandersetzen (alt.Rechtschreibung) v.
    belichten v.
    darlegen v.
    entblößen v.
    enthüllen v.
    etwas aufdecken ausdr.
    etwas enthüllen ausdr.
    herausstellen v.
    jemanden entlarven ausdr.
    preisgeben v.
    zeigen v.

    English-german dictionary > expose

  • 14 exposé

    1. transitive verb
    1) (uncover) freilegen; entblößen [Haut, Körper, Knie]
    2) (make known) offenbaren [Schwäche, Tatsache, Geheimnis, Plan]; aufdecken [Irrtum, Missstände, Verbrechen, Verrat]; entlarven [Täter, Verräter, Spion]
    3) (subject)
    4) (Photog.) belichten
    2. reflexive verb
    sich [unsittlich] entblößen
    * * *
    1) (to uncover; to leave unprotected from (eg weather, danger, observation etc): Paintings should not be exposed to direct sunlight; Don't expose children to danger.) aussetzen
    2) (to discover and make known (eg criminals or their activities): It was a newspaper that exposed his spying activities.) aufdecken
    3) (by releasing the camera shutter, to allow light to fall on (a photographic film).) belichten
    - academic.ru/25848/exposure">exposure
    * * *
    [ɪkˈspəʊz, ekˈ-, AM -ˈspoʊz]
    to \expose sth bone, foundations etw frei legen; nerves etw bloßlegen
    2. (leave vulnerable to)
    to \expose sb/sth to sth jdn/etw etw dat aussetzen
    to \expose sth to cold/heat etw der Kälte/Hitze aussetzen
    to \expose sb to danger jdn einer Gefahr aussetzen
    to \expose sb to ridicule ( fig) jdn dem Spott [o der Lächerlichkeit] preisgeben
    3. (reveal)
    to \expose sth etw offenbaren; scandal, treachery, plot etw aufdecken [o enthüllen]
    to \expose sb jdn entlarven
    4. (put in contact)
    to \expose sb to sth jdn mit etw dat vertraut machen
    to be \exposed to sth etw dat ausgesetzt sein, mit etw dat in Berührung kommen
    5. (show genitals)
    to \expose oneself [to sb] sich akk [vor jdm] entblößen
    6. PHOT
    to \expose sth etw belichten
    to over-/under\expose sth etw über-/unterbelichten
    to \expose sb/an animal jdn/ein Tier aussetzen
    * * *
    1) (= uncover) rocks, remains freilegen; electric wire freilegen; (fig) nerve bloß legenor freilegen
    2) (to danger, rain, sunlight, radiation) aussetzen (
    to dat)
    3) (= display) one's ignorance offenbaren; one's wounds (vor)zeigen

    darling, you're exposing yourself — du zeigst etwas (zu) viel, Liebling

    4) (= reveal) abuse, treachery aufdecken; scandal, plot enthüllen, aufdecken; person, imposter, murderer, thief entlarven

    to expose sb/sth to the press — jdn/etw der Presse ausliefern

    5) (PHOT) belichten
    * * *
    exposé [ekˈspəʊzeı; US ˌekspəʊˈzeı] s
    1. Exposé n, Darlegung f
    2. Aufdeckung f, Enthüllung f, Entlarvung f
    * * *
    1. transitive verb
    1) (uncover) freilegen; entblößen [Haut, Körper, Knie]
    2) (make known) offenbaren [Schwäche, Tatsache, Geheimnis, Plan]; aufdecken [Irrtum, Missstände, Verbrechen, Verrat]; entlarven [Täter, Verräter, Spion]
    4) (Photog.) belichten
    2. reflexive verb
    sich [unsittlich] entblößen
    * * *
    auseinander setzen ausdr.
    auseinandersetzen (alt.Rechtschreibung) v.
    belichten v.
    darlegen v.
    entblößen v.
    enthüllen v.
    etwas aufdecken ausdr.
    etwas enthüllen ausdr.
    herausstellen v.
    jemanden entlarven ausdr.
    preisgeben v.
    zeigen v.

    English-german dictionary > exposé

  • 15 uncover

    transitive verb
    1) (remove cover from) aufdecken; freilegen [Wunde, Begrabenes]
    2) (disclose) aufdecken [Skandal, Verschwörung, Wahrheit]
    * * *
    (to remove the cover from: His criminal activities were finally uncovered.) aufdecken
    * * *
    [ʌnˈkʌvəʳ, AM -ɚ]
    to \uncover sth
    1. (lay bare) etw frei legen
    to \uncover a wound den Verband von einer Wunde nehmen
    2. (disclose) etw entdecken
    to \uncover a scandal/secret einen Skandal/ein Geheimnis aufdecken
    * * *
    1) (= remove cover from) aufdecken; head entblößen (liter)

    the men uncovered their headsdie Männer nahmen ihre Kopfbedeckung ab

    2) scandal, plot, truth, evidence etc aufdecken; ancient ruins, cache of weapons etc zum Vorschein bringen
    * * *
    A v/t
    1. aufdecken, entblößen, freilegen:
    uncover o.s. B
    2. fig aufdecken, enthüllen
    3. MIL außer Deckung bringen, ohne Deckung lassen
    4. Boxen etc: ungedeckt lassen
    B v/i den Hut abnehmen, das Haupt entblößen
    * * *
    transitive verb
    1) (remove cover from) aufdecken; freilegen [Wunde, Begrabenes]
    2) (disclose) aufdecken [Skandal, Verschwörung, Wahrheit]
    * * *
    abdecken v.
    aufdecken v.
    entdecken v.
    enthüllen v.
    freigeben v.
    freilegen v.
    sichtbar machen ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > uncover

  • 16 expose

    ex·pose [ɪkʼspəʊz, ekʼ-, Am -ʼspoʊz] vt
    1) ( lay bare)
    to \expose sth bone, foundations etw freilegen; nerves etw bloßlegen
    to \expose sb/ sth to sth jdn/etw etw dat aussetzen;
    to \expose sth to cold/ heat etw der Kälte/Hitze aussetzen;
    to \expose sb to danger jdn einer Gefahr aussetzen;
    to \expose sb to ridicule ( fig) jdn dem Spott [o der Lächerlichkeit] preisgeben
    3) ( reveal)
    to \expose sth etw offenbaren; scandal, treachery, plot etw aufdecken [o enthüllen];
    to \expose sb jdn entlarven
    to \expose sb to sth jdn mit etw dat vertraut machen;
    to be \exposed to sth etw dat ausgesetzt sein, mit etw dat in Berührung kommen
    to \expose oneself [to sb] sich akk [vor jdm] entblößen
    6) phot
    to \expose sth etw belichten;
    to over-/under\expose sth etw über-/unterbelichten
    7) law ( abandon)
    to \expose sb/ an animal jdn/ein Tier aussetzen

    English-German students dictionary > expose

См. также в других словарях:

  • When They Lay Bare — infobox Book | name = When They Lay Bare orig title = translator = author = Andrew Greig cover artist = country = Scotland language = English series = genre = Novel publisher = Faber Faber release date = 1999 media type = Print (Hardback… …   Wikipedia

  • lay — I [[t]leɪ[/t]] v. laid, lay•ing, n. 1) to put or place in a horizontal position or position of rest; set down: to lay a book on a desk[/ex] 2) to knock or beat down, as from an erect position; strike or throw to the ground: One punch laid him… …   From formal English to slang

  • lay — I v 1. put, place, set, rest, Inf. stick, leave, park, plant; set down, seat, settle; incline, lean. 2. drop, floor, lay low, prostrate; fell, knock or cut or strike down, sink. 3. lodge, submit, present, prefer, bring forward. 4. repose, impute …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • lay — I. /leɪ / (say lay) verb (laid, laying) –verb (t) 1. to put or place in a position of rest or recumbency: to lay a book on a desk. 2. to bring, throw, or beat down, as from an erect position: to lay a person low. 3. to cause to subside: to lay… …  

  • lay — lay1 /lay/, v., laid, laying, n. v.t. 1. to put or place in a horizontal position or position of rest; set down: to lay a book on a desk. 2. to knock or beat down, as from an erect position; strike or throw to the ground: One punch laid him low.… …   Universalium

  • lay — I verb 1) Curtis laid the newspaper on the table Syn: put, place, set, put down, set down, deposit, rest, situate, locate, position; informal stick, dump, park, plunk 2) the act laid the foundation for the new system …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • Europe, history of — Introduction       history of European peoples and cultures from prehistoric times to the present. Europe is a more ambiguous term than most geographic expressions. Its etymology is doubtful, as is the physical extent of the area it designates.… …   Universalium

  • Hermeneutics — Gadamer and Ricoeur G.B.Madison THE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: ROMANTIC HERMENEUTICS Although the term ‘hermeneutics’ (hermeneutica) is, in its current usage, of early modern origin,1 the practice it refers to is as old as western civilization itself …   History of philosophy

  • Anton Chekhov — Chekhov redirects here. For other uses, see Chekhov (disambiguation). This name uses Eastern Slavic naming customs; the patronymic is Pavlovich and the family name is Chekhov. Anton Chekhov May 5, 1889 …   Wikipedia

  • uncover — verb 1) she uncovered the new artwork Syn: expose, reveal, lay bare; unwrap, unveil; strip, denude 2) they uncovered a money laundering plot Syn: detect, discover, come across, stumble on …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • UNITED STATES LITERATURE — The Influence of the Bible and Hebrew Culture The Jewish influence on American literary expression predated the actual arrival of Jews in the United States in 1654, for the Puritan culture of New England was marked from the outset by a deep… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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